Thursday, June 11, 2015


Being open-minded and willing to try new things (legal, of course) can change your mindset.  While doing so, you may find a new hoppy or overall interest that may consume your mind, bringing you pleasure and a sense of contentment.  


In some cases, while being in a relationship, you may find that they are the ones always there for you.  They may be your source of happiness, entertainment, and comfort.  What are you supposed to do now that they are gone?  The good news is, you can do about anything you want.  You make your own decisions and there is no longer a second opinion that may be turning your ideas down.  Enjoy yourself, go sky-diving if you're really that crazy; otherwise, go read a book you've been wanting to read or learn how to play a new instrument.

Find other sources of happiness that do not come from human beings.  Learning how to be independent and enjoying yourself will benefit you later in relationships.  You won't put such a heavy load on your significant other's shoulders, which may cause less arguments in the future.  You will just be happier with yourself, and as you all know, you won't be happy with someone else if you're not happy with yourself.

So, do something crazy or new to get your mind off of all of the struggles you may be going through.  Sometimes you just have to say YOLO and go for it!


Fortitude: courage in pain or adversity

The term fortitude can be applied to all of life's situations, especially through heartbreak.  Having the courage to get up and go on with your day or going out, even with the possibility that you may cross paths with your once love, takes strength; strength that some may not relate to.

It's not pathetic: feeling so down that you don't want to deal with anyone or anything. You want to lay in bed, do nothing, and think about nothing.  You may come across individuals who don't understand why you're being so dramatic about the whole situation.  Do not listen to them!  Everybody copes in different ways.  Just know that when you do get the strength to get up, be around happiness, and have a positive mind-set, you are fortitude.  

As some people say, no sin is greater than another sin; a sin is a sin.  That is how I see fortitude.  It doesn't matter the situation, small or big, fortitude is fortitude.  Be proud of your progress and how far you have come since the beginning. You're the only one who knows how difficult your situation has been, so you should be proud at how far you have come.  

You deserve nothing but a life full of happiness and fortitude can get you there. 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Who's There To Blame?

One main question that may go through your head is, "Is it my fault?"

There are always going to be events or situations that may lean more towards your fault, but do not let that discourage you or crush you even more, thinking that you could've changed the outcome by your actions.  The truth is, there is no one to blame if you look at the big picture.  Things either work out or they don't.  That's life.  Whether it seems like it happened because of your actions or your past partner's actions, you shouldn't put that fault on yourself or them.  If things didn't work out, it would've happened eventually no matter what.  Think of it as a gift from God: the sooner you get let off, the less attached you are.

The healthy thing to do is to accept the break-up as a mutual agreement, as if it was no one's fault specifically, no matter how heartbroken you are.  You will find that more opportunities will cross your path and there will be more opportunities for happiness for yourself and your ex. You can't lie to yourself and say that you don't want nothing but happiness for the one you love, so overall, this is what's best for the both of you.  If you can tell yourself that and believe it, you're that much closer to healing your broken heart.  Being selfish in love will get you nowhere.

Help From A Stranger

Hello, all!  My name is Kristin Huffman and I am currently a Sophomore majoring in Mass Media with an emphasis in Creative Advertising.  I am very excited to share my knowledge and advice with you! This is my first blog, so bear with me.  My main focus for this blog will be self-healing through heartbreak.  Each post, I will have a new topic for you to focus on, so take it step-by-step if you will.  Heartbreak happens to almost everyone, young or old.  I plan to help anyone who may be suffering, just like I have before, because from what I learned, we 'need' answers.  I hope you all enjoy my blog and may find some clarity/usefulness from it! Stay tuned!